2 x Adult Improver Coaching with new coach Alfie and Ollie

Monday 11th March 2024, 19.15

We have a new coach, Alfie Woodger joining our coaching team! Alfie is running one hour adult improver coaching sessions on 11th and 18th March aimed at those looking to improve their game. Adult members can book both (£15) or opt for a single session (£8) via Clubspark.

For further information contact lympstonetcmembership@gmail.com

Get Coaching

Junior coaching runs on Saturday mornings in the Summer and Autumn terms.

Adult coaching programmes run throughout the year on Monday evenings incluing Rusty Racquets, Improver Tennis and Cardio.

Court availability

Session rota is back!

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Membership Renewal

Membership renewal is due from 1 April. Please watch out for a personal email with details for signing up

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